Madang Podcast: Reggie Williams
Welcome to Madang! Madang is the outdoor living room of the world. Here, we invite you to sit and tune into unreserved, remarkable conversations with renown authors, leaders, public figures and scholars on religion, culture and everything in-between. This has been a dream of mine for many years and now it is. reality. Please join me at Madang. This is the 26th episode of Madang where I converse with Rev. Dr. Reggie Williams on his book, Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus.
Rev. Dr. Reggie Williams is Professor of Christian Ethics at McCormick Theological Seminary. He is the author of Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus which was selected as a Choice Outstanding Title in the field of religion. He is a member of the board of directors for the Society for Christian Ethics as well as the International Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society. So excited to have him today to discuss his book and his work. This was part of an event at the Southern Lights Conference and this episode is co-hosted with Brian McLaren. It was wonderful to co-host this special episode of Madang podcast with Brian McLaren.
“You don’t meet another person without an encounter with Christ. That’s the shape of reality since the incarnation.” – Reggie Williams, with @Gracejisunkim and Brian Mclaren on Madang Podcast
We had a lively conversations on Bonhoeffer, Black Jesus, racism, sexism, evil in society and more in front of a live audience. I am so grateful to Diana Butler Bass and Brian McLaren for allowing me to do this live podcast at the Southern Lights Conference. I am thrilled to announce that Madang podcast is hosted by the Christian Century. Please visit their website for the latest Madang podcast as well as current articles on Christianity, culture and society. I have written several pieces for the Christian Century and welcome this partnership.
You can also listen to the podcast on Spotify:
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I am grateful to Homebrewed Christianity, McCormick Theological Seminary, Wild Goose Festival, Dr. Christena Cleveland, Baylor University Press for their sponsorship of this episode. Please check out their website for their work, events and to donate. Please reach out to me if you would like to sponsor the next episode of Madang podcast. Or simply support me here:
Discover the Black Madonna as a path to self-acceptance & transformation. Join Dr. Christena Cleveland on March 14th for a free online event. You’ll discover how the Black Madonna has always been right there, ready to accompany you, guide you, and empower you as you move toward healing for your life and for our world. You can RSVP for free here:
You can order Dr. Reggie Williams book and use discount code 17SPRING23 at for 20%-off and FREE US shipping from now through May 31st