When God Became White
Most of the time, I write blogs, articles and books to help me understand my own experiences, context and faith. My new forthcoming book, When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity is no exception. I am thrilled to sign a new book contract with InterVarsity Press (IVP) for my new book When God Became White which will come out in 2024. I cannot wait to share it.
This new book When God Became White examines how for centuries, the classification of race has been a powerful tool for white male lawmakers, leaders, church ministers, and the privileged to maintain their own power and the status quo. But how did it start? Why was one group able to claim so much authority and wield so much control over other groups? And what could have been done to stop them?
When God Became White explores how Jesus became White and the faith of his followers took on a profoundly racist bent. From the early Christian beginnings under the Roman Empire to the Conservative Christian Right of today, a white male God has been at the center. This projection of their own identity onto who God is by powerful white men, has tainted the instructions found in the Bible that we are to love all people equally.
Those in power believe that they are divinely placed where they are and have been ordained to lead the church, and to define the God we are to follow. They suppose that their understanding of God is the truth; they preach their understanding as truth; and they fail to recognize that they are attributing their own self-serving desires to God.
The whitewashed “good news” spread throughout the world thanks to colonialism, crusades, and missionaries who infected others with Whiteness under the guise of Christianity. The propagation of this myth of a White God and a White Jesus has had a devastating effect that has rippled across the globe through generations. When God Became White will helps readers understand the origins of this distortion of our shared history and identify the ways in which their own experiences as well as those of minorities have been deeply impacted. This book also leads readers to the knowledge that this must change and where change starts.
After I signed with IVP they sent me this lovely ‘welcome back’ package. I am so thrilled to be working with editor, Dr. Al Hsu who was also the editor of my first IVP, Healing Our Broken Humanity, co-written with Dr. Graham Joseph Hill.
Healing Our Broken Humanity has become a very popular book in seminaries, churches and study groups. Education for Ministry (EFM) had it as a required reading for their laity.
You can listen to Dr. Hill discuss our book on Madang podcast hosted by The Christian Century.
If you haven’t read our book, I hope you get a chance to read it. Dr. Hill started a new podcast, Faith Across Borders so please subscribe and listen to his new podcast. It is an amazing podcast and I am thrilled that Joshua Lee was able to help him with the graphic design, artwork, editing etc., for this important new podcast.
Special Events:
1. Join me at the Wild Goose Festival, July 13-16, 2023 | Union Grove, NC. Use discount code “Madang” to get 50.00 off registration.
2.Join Homebrewed Christianity’s VBS for adults in person, June 30-July1. It has a great line up of speakers….
2.Order Dear Mama God by Daneen Akers from Watchfire Media.
4.Use discount code AAHM23 now through May 31 at Fortress Press to get 30%off four of my Fortress Press Books.